Don't Want a Hyper Dog?
Calming your dog:
Because of numerous situations: (i.e.) thunderstorms, fireworks, or just any time they show extreme anxiety about something.
Let’s talk about calming your dog with better human-dog interaction, because how you behave can have a profound effect on how your dog behaves.
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Interact with your dogs in 3 ways:
[if !supportLists]· [endif]You look at your dog
[if !supportLists]· [endif]Talk to your dog
[if !supportLists]· [endif]Touch your dog.
How you use your body language, eye contact and tone of voice can make the a difference in a dog that is out of control.
Body language speaks volumes to dogs. In fact, it often speaks louder than your spoken word. Your dog will get confused if your body language contradicts what you are saying.
Use hands signs…your emotions drive your tone of voice and your actions. Your dog interprets your emotions and responds to your actions... (so use your hand signs for clear direction)
Create quiet calm if you want a calm dog: Dogs simply don’t do well with yelling, screaming or excitement. It tends to create an unstable environment. Cultivate a calm voice – both in volume and pitch.
Develop calm departures: Prep your dog that you're leaving for 5 minutes before you actually leave, (i.e. setting up room barricades, or topping up water bowl, and just before you leave, then tell them to "Stay, and say "I’ll be back"…. As you leave tell them to be a "‘Good Pup", Then leave fast.
Train your dog to give you good dog behavior: Dogs can easily be taught to give you attention (eye contact) for engagement rather than the jumping you don’t like.
Also train your dog a dismissal cue which means “Go chill!”, Go Sit, or “Relax.” Or, just leave you alone.
Train your dog not to get into your personal space or jump on you until he gives you a sit and is invited into your personal space.
Remember how dogs learn. It’s by instinct, trial and error and training. They are very sensitive to your body language, eye contact and tone of voice. Use all three wisely as you are calming your dog....
And if nothing else... Give your Dog A Bone!
Best of Luck "K"